Thursday, August 9, 2012

Camping...well, sort of

Back in our dating days, Hubby and I did a fair amount of camping.  My sister and her family lived near me and we camped a lot.

But since the arrival of Kiddo1 four years ago, the tent hasn't seen the light of day.

My friend Kristi put it best, "When you spend all day, every day outside, the last thing you want to do is go camping."  Amen to that.

Grandma has a small tent that the kids love to play in so we thought it might be fun to bring out our tent and do a mini-camping in our yard.  That way if things go horribly south, we can just come in and get in our own beds.

We set up the tent which the kids declared the biggest tent EVER!  Not quite...

I made picnic food:  macaroni salad, chips, buns,

Kiddo1 did the hotdogs on the griddle.

And we ate and played and played.

But then it rained (IT RAINED...only an inch, but we'll take it!) and we didn't sleep outside.  We will do it soon!

1 comment:

  1. That's how we started out camping...a tent in the backyard when the kids were about 3 and 4. Had a campfire, grilled supper outside, slept in sleeping bags, answered questions about noises and movements and by 3 am we were back in our own beds and toasty warm. LOL It was fun and we didn't get a pop-up camper for a few years after that. Now, we all love going camping.


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